SwiftFox Automations
Supercharge your workflow

Automatically send emails, update fields
SwiftFox automates routine tasks like sending emails from lead management forms, event follow-ups and reminders, and updating a contact’s custom fields.
From simple tasks to complex workflows, automations reduce errors and improve efficiency.

Visual workflow editor
Create and customise workflows using a simple visual editor.
Build automation journeys for everything from lead nurturing to campaign management, then personalise interactions with data from SwiftFox to ensure every message hits the mark.
Save time, remove manual data entry
Ensure SwiftFox data remains accurate by replacing manual data entry with automated processes. Automations also support governance by ensuring compliance with rules and updating member financial status.

Financial automations
Many membership-based organisations using SwiftFox have rules that define “financial” vs. “non-financial” members based on payment status. SwiftFox Automations can automatically update a member's profile to reflect this status, ensuring accurate record-keeping.
Constantly innovating with new automations
We’re always expanding our automation capabilities to help you streamline even more tasks.
With new automations regularly added to our roadmap, we’re committed to keeping your workflows efficient and ahead of the curve.

Zapier integration for cross-app automation
Connect SwiftFox with over 7,000 apps through Zapier integration, enabling seamless process automation across multiple platforms. SwiftFox works with your existing tools to help you automate almost anything you can imagine.
A swift summary of Automations
Automate lead management, task follow-ups, and notifications to boost efficiency.
Use the visual editor to create customised workflows with ease.
Trigger personalised communications and reminders based on CRM data.
Improve data accuracy by automating manual tasks and updates.
Ensure governance compliance with automations that handle sensitive data processes.
Streamline membership management with automated financial status updates.
Integrate with Zapier to automate processes across over 7,000 apps.
More features SwiftFox has sorted
Let’s talk more
Our team is standing by to share our insight and expertise that comes from pushing ourselves every day to reach our goal of creating the best world’s best campaigning software.
We’d love to learn more about your engagement needs and show you how SwiftFox can help!